01482 669982 info@matthewlimb.co.uk Free Valuation
Enjoying stunning views across the marina and Hull City Centre, this studio apartment is ideally situated to take advantage of the many restaurants, bars, boutiques, shops, museum quarter and convenient transport links the city has to offer.
The apartment is immaculately presented and offers great appeal with an entrance hall with storage cupboard, light and airy bedroom/living area, a well equipped modern kitchen with door and 'Juliet' balcony offering views over the marina. There is a modern shower room and utility area. Private parking is available in the car park to the rear.
Warehouse 13 is situated on Kingston Street alongside the stunning marina. There are plenty of popular restaurants and bars available locally. Hull's popular old town has many buildings, cobbled streets and plenty to do. The many shops and attractions also on the doorstep make this a great place to live.
There is a communal entrance with a secure key pad and telecom entry system. Stairs or a lift give access up to the 5th floor and a corridor leads to the entrance door to the subject property.
With a large storage cupboard and access to all rooms.
With windows to front and side elevations offering stunning views across the marina and beyond.
With modern fitted base and wall units, sink with mixer tap, double oven, four ring hob with filter hood above, fridge and freezer. A window and door with 'Juliet' style balcony offers stunning views across the marina.
With modern suite comprising a shower enclosure, vanity unit with wash hand basin and low flush W.C.
Situated to the rear of the shower room with storage and plumbing for a washing machine.
Parking is available in the secure car park to the rear.
Leasehold - Lease term of 125 years dated from 20th March 1967
Service and maintenance reserve charges are 257.26 a month.
From a verbal enquiry we are led to believe that the Council Tax band for this property is Band A. We would recommend a purchaser make their own enquiries to verify this.
Fixtures and fittings other than those specified in this brochure, such as carpets, curtains and light fittings, may be available subject to separate negotiation. If there are any points of particular importance to you, please contact the office and we will be pleased to check the information for you.
Strictly by appointment through the agent. Brough Office 01482 669982.
For clarification, we wish to inform prospective purchasers that we have not carried out a detailed survey, nor tested the services, appliances and specific fittings for this property. All measurements provided are approximate and for guidance purposes only. Floor plans are included as a service to our customers and are intended as a GUIDE TO LAYOUT only. NOT TO SCALE. Matthew Limb Estate Agents Ltd for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are give notice that (i) the particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract (ii) all descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct and any intending purchaser or tenant should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them (iii) no person in the employment of Matthew Limb Estate Agents Ltd has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. If there is any point which is of particular importance to you, please contact the office and we will be pleased to check the information, particularly if you contemplate travelling some distance to view the property.
In order to capture the features of a particular room we will mostly use wide angle lens photography. This will sometimes distort the image slightly and also has the potential to make a room look larger. Please therefore refer also to the room measurements detailed within this brochure.
If you have a property to sell we would be delighted to provide a free
o obligation valuation and marketing advice. Call us now on 01482 669982.